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The Missing Club?
  • Clubs
  • Student Reporting

One of the many things Janitell offers are after school clubs, giving various options and activities for each day of the week. Clubs here at Janitell remind me of drawing a card from a hat -- except, we should add another card.

I believe that Janitell should offer a social club, made for close friends and mutuals. Janitell has a club called Student Union, but it would be great to have a club specific for bonding and enhancing friendships. Although there are times throughout school to communicate with friends such as lunch, after school, before school, and shared classes, not every student has those advantages.

Some students have no classes with people they are close with, or just don’t have the opportunity to chat. Some students simply have stuff to do during lunch, are late to school, or are unable to talk after school due to scenarios such as bus riding, walking, or even just not seeing someone in a crowd. Yes, people could just call and exchange numbers. However, not every student owns a personal device, or just doesn’t have time to chat. Strict households get in the way too. Adding a social club would help strengthen friendships, and most importantly create a friendly community.

Reporting by Emma W.; Editing by Alina T.; the image used in this article 

  • Student Reporting