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- Clubs
Did you know that roleplaying games like Dungeons & Dragons started with earlier wargames that focused on battles using miniature figures? Some of these wargames go back centuries, including a game called Master of Pages created in 1780 by the Duke of Brunswick (War-gaming, Part 1).
Since then, roleplaying games have become a raging success. The total amount of money spent on roleplaying games every year, including video roleplaying games, is about $63 billion, according to Statistica. That's huge!
People of all ages are playing roleplaying games, including middle school students at Janitell. The Dragonfire Club, which takes place in the Janitell library, is hosted by Mr. Flesher and Mr. Madrid. The club is extremely popular, with about 30 students showing up for its first meeting.
Tabletop roleplaying games are a form of roleplaying where the players take on the role of character -- say, for example, a wizard seeking out ancient knowledge or maybe a paladin who is fighting to defend his people. The game master presents a story to the characters, who must then respond, make choices, and sometimes role dice to determine the results of their actions.
According to Mr. Madrid, "Roleplaying games are all about storytelling. It's one of the oldest and best kinds of entertainment. It's something we all love to do."
And the Dragonfire Club is definitely all about storytelling! A the first Dragonfire meeting, one student ran a game for a group of experienced players while Mr. Flesher introduced a game called Dungeon World to new players, guiding them through creating characters and starting their first adventure.
The popularity of roleplaying games isn't going away any time soon. If you want to learn to play, join Dragonfire Club, which meets on Wednesdays through Fridays from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
May the game be with you!
- Clubs