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The Dog Days of Football
  • Athletics
Coach Riehl

The sun blazes down on the Janitell football field during the dog days of August 2023. The aspiring middle school athletes are learning skills and to be physically tough. According to Coach Riehl, "So we've had some criers and some pukers, but nobody's quit yet, so that's a good thing."

Discipline is a major focus for the coach. He says, "I'm worried we don't have the discipline that we've had in years past ... the mentality that's gonna take us to the championship game. So we have a lot of work to do."

The team will be working on a lot of plays, including inside zone runs. The coach says that those plays are great for this team because "when you have big kids like we do this year, you should be able to push a lot of other teams around in the middle of the field."

But football is about more that becoming physically tough and learning the plays. Coach Riehl says, "There's a family orientation in football that's bigger than most other sports ... you can't win a game by yourself. You have to have your teammates."

Coach Riehl has a huge background in football. He has played since he was a small child all the way through high school. He says he "wasn't big enough or fast enough to play in college," but since college he's been coaching. This year makes the coach's 28th year coaching football.

Thank you to Coach Riehl for being at Janitell! And good work to all the Janitell athletes who are working on their mental discipline and physical skills!

Reporting by Mr. Flesher; Editing by Mr. Flesher
Photography by Mr. Flesher

  • Athletics