Selected News
- Clubs
- Student Reporting
The clitter clatter of dice rolling across the table, the cheering echoing across the library as a group of people playing Dungeons and Dragons have just defeated a boss. You must have heard about the DnD club, it’s in the announcements and you must have heard at least some of your nerdy friends talk about it. Especially if you know me.
But even with the fun and nerdy stuff behind it even I wonder what it takes to set it up. I asked Mr. Flesher our librarian and one of the people who run the club along with Mr. Madrid.
I asked Mr. Flesher two different questions about the setup for the club, my first question was about the planning for DnD, I asked him, how does he plan it. He responded with “We make plans for events like the Dungeon Master Bootcamp. We are also making plans to participate in an upcoming Game event at Janitell.” My second question was about the time and money they put into the club, in which he said “Mr. Madrid and [I] own dozens of D&D books that we use with the club. I have purchased extra Player's Handbooks so that club members have them available.” I then asked Mr. Madrid some questions, the first question being about the length of the planning sessions, which he replied “Mr. Flesher and I both are very experienced when it comes to being Dungeon Masters, so we hardly have to spend any time planning.” They spend 5-10 minutes planning. Mr. Madrid also said that they both really enjoy the club. So now we know about the prep and the money spent on DnD Club. Only one question remains in my mind after the interview, what is Game, and why is it happening at Janitell. I guess the answer to that question will reveal itself in the future.
Reporting by Daniel M., Editing by Brody W. & Abigail L. & Mr. Flesher, Image by Janitell
- Student Reporting