Selected News
- Clubs
Have you ever wondered about the tricks to photography? Well I heard that Ms. Flax runs the Photography Club every Wednesday, so I asked her how it is going. She said, “Really well! Each year we try new things and expanding our equipment inventory. This year we are adding a photo printer and Nikon DSLR. We are also trying out a 'Scary Photo' theme for October where students learn about [how] to take spooky photos or make photos spooky using editing.”
I also asked the wonderful Ms. Flax how the students are doing at learning the skills? She replied, “Great! I've got a good group of students this year who are so enthusiastic to learn!” My next question for the amazing club host is: what inspired her to start this photography club? She reported, “I've been learning and loving photography for almost 20 years and want to share that with students.” When asked what her students thought, Ms. Flax said, “They seem to really like it, and I think that enthusiasm will only grow when we are able to print and advertise our photos at Janitell.”
I also decided to interview one of the common Photography Club goers, Cassidy Hechathorn. She admitted, “I always love taking pictures, and I wanted to learn more about it.” She said she only started getting interested in photography recently, "probably a year ago, that is when i really got interested in photography.”
When asked about how she likes the photography club, she said “on a scale of 1 to 10 probably 10 because it feels like a small family is just hanging out with you.” She also said she would probably still be taking pictures many years from now: “I love taking pictures so I can't see why not.”
Well, there you have it Jags! If you are a natural photographer and a club lover, maybe your next new club could be photography club.
Reporting by Bradley B.; Editing by Mr. Flesher
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