Janitell Junior High
Selected News
- Library
- Tech Help
Jaguars should make sure to turn in their school laptops, chargers, and library books on Friday, May 17th. The official check-in process will happen in the library during every student's social studies class.
Thank you for taking care of Janitell’s laptops and returning them! Please read the following about technology repairs and replacements:
- If you lost your charger, you will be charged $25 for a replacement. If you lost the laptop, you will be charged $200.
- If you damaged the laptop, you will be charged for any repairs. See the list of repair fees here: bit.ly/wsd3-techfees
- If you didn’t return your charger or laptop, please return it and the fee will be dropped.
- If you need to pay a fee, you can pay it here: bit.ly/jjhs-techfees
- You must pay fees before you can check out another laptop in Widefield School District 3
If you have any questions, please call Mr. Flesher in the library at 719-391-3322 or email flesherj@wsd3.org
- Library
- Tech Help