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You wake up in a fantasy land you've never heard of before. You battle monsters and weird creatures. You work as a team to defeat a demigorgon, level up and become a super powered character. Do these things sound fun to you? Did you know you can also learn many important skills from these adventures? Dungeons and Dragons might just be for you! Along the way we will learn many skills and have a grand time. But the question is, are you ready for the adventure?
First on our journey through why Dungeons and Dragons is beneficial,( drum roll please) is learning new skills! According to the American Library Association “Dungeons and Dragons and other Tabletop Role Playing Games (TTRPGs) are a great way to sneakily build skills that children will need not only in school, but later in life. Some of those skills are: Vocabulary Building, Problem Solving, Team Work, Communication, Listening, Storytelling and Imagination growth.” Many parents worry that their children are not learning these skills, and by letting your children play dungeons and dragons they will learn these skills easily! Most dungeon masters will make sure that everybody has a turn and a chance to talk and to listen to the ideas of other group members. In regards to problem solving, they will run into game problems such as running into an unexpected monster while walking in the forest. They will have to problem solve with their teammates on what to do and how to execute the plans they made.
Furthermore, Dungeons and Dragons not only help with skills that you need later in life but also educational purposes! In the article “Dungeons & Dragons: 5 Reasons to Teach With It” they explain that “Kade Wells, Harrisburg North Middle School ELA Instructor in South Dakota and founder of Building Heroez, says Dungeons & Dragons helps students with their social-emotional growth because it gets them away from screens and has them collaborating with one another IRL (in real life)” In this day and age, most schools use computers for most work. However, with dungeons and dragons kids are able to take a break and express their creative side. You are able to create characters with many choices for race and class. Children are able to be whatever they want to be. Like halloween! On the topic of educational hey reading teachers, did you know that dungeons and dragons improves reading skills? According to the same article, “Dungeons & Dragons can be an interactive and engaging way to teach students how to start to understand and analyze complex texts. “A lot of the manuals are at a very high Lexile level,” says Lizz Simpson, a middle school librarian at Sudbury Public Schools in Massachusetts. Simpson says students who play the game naturally break down complex texts dealing with different rules around things like casting spells.” This shows just how beneficial Dungeons and Dragons is in the educational system.
In conclusion it is clear to see that Dungeons and Dragons is very beneficial to all children. In more ways than one! All the evidence clearly shows it and that concludes this essay of Dungeons and Dragons. Thank you for joining me on this journey
Reporting Emmersen B., Editing by Mr. Flesher
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