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Chess and Strategy Games at Janitell
  • Clubs
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Have you ever wanted to learn how to play strategy games? Chess and War Games is a strategy game club where you can learn how to play strategy games such as Chess, Risk, and Axis & Allies. 

The club is on Mondays and Tuesdays. Chess and War Games is not just about learning how to play strategy games, but also the fact that “these Memories are precious not only because of what we learned from each other.” I recently had a conversation with Mr.Homberger, and I asked him what the point of chess and war games was, and he said “The point of chess and war games is to connect students with other students of like interests. We started the year with only Chess and then moved those students that are interested in other complex strategy games.”
He continued to say, “Many students like Chess and become competitive or want other challenges, and this is where the war games come into play. Students can continue seeing their friends in the Chess club while expanding their interest into other games.” Many students have fun at this club and you can see how Mr. Homberger incorporates many students’ interests in one afterschool program, so this is a very exciting thing to be able to be involved in.

In Chess, you not only learn strategy, but you can also make new friends. Chess is about having fun and making memories. In Chess, you learn how to become better; each day you improve in Chess.

This school year’s district chess tournament is on “Monday, January 23rd, 2023. The Junior High portion of the tournament usually lasts three hours.” When asked about any special requirements Mr.Homberger replied, “The willingness to compete and know how to play chess.” Another thing he said about what people learn at Chess and war games are that he admitted, “students learn to compete against others.”

Mr. Homberger also said, “Students learn that they will not always win. Students learn how to make sacrifices to achieve a goal or win a competition. They also make lifelong connections to friends with similar interests. I have students that live on opposite sides of the United States and they still connect online and play chess against each other in real-time.” This is fun to see how people can hang out while not at school.

As the Jaguars and parents can see, strategy games can help with many life skills and are fun, win or lose. As Mr. Homberger states, “I love working with students and getting to know their interests outside of the classroom. When you observe students in Chess and War Games, you see excitement and happiness in the students. It is an awesome feeling to witness the joy many students have when participating in our club.”

It is fantastic to see the love that Mr. Homberger shows to his students. This is an important trait of a teacher and definitely for a club host. We asked Mr. Homberger why he liked strategy games and he said “ Strategy games allow students to use their intellect and expand their brain power in unique ways that can not be done in a traditional classroom.  It allows for competition for all students, and anyone is able to learn these skills.” 

This just goes to show the love teachers have for their students, and how much effort they put into everything they do for students. I want to thank every teacher for making sure we are ready for life and making sure we have a fun time at school. That is all for this article. Have a great day Jags! 

Reporting by Bradley B., CJ S., Cadence H.



  • Clubs
  • Student Reporting