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Janitell band musicians
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  • Music

Janitell's band newsletter is keeping students and families in tune with all the latest music news this February. The newsletter highlights important dates, including upcoming performances and rehearsals, as well as celebrating Janitell’s talented musicians selected for the Pikes Peak and WSD3 Honor Bands. It also builds excitement for the highly anticipated Evening of the Arts, where students will showcase their musical skills alongside other creative talents. With so much happening, the newsletter ensures that everyone stays informed and ready to support Janitell’s thriving band program.

A note from Mr. Molina
I look forward to Solo Ensemble, Spring Festivals and Planning for the next year! Always reach out if you have any questions or need extra help. I am always happy to make time for you!

Pikes Peak and WSD 3 Honor Band
Congratulations to Caleb Sparrow (and Jazz) and Juilanna Vasquez for being selected to the Pikes Peak Honor Concert Band! The will have their Concert at Cheyenne Mountain
High School on Feb. 8! My recomendation portal for WSD3 is open and will close on Thursday, Feb 6.

Important Dates
Make sure to check google classroom and watch Remind for announcements!
February 22nd - Solo and Ensemble
March 6th - Informances
March 18th - Symphonic w/ Mesa Ridge
April 2nd - CHSAA Large Group
April 25th - Evening of the Arts
May 1st - Jazz @ Blossom Festival
May 2nd - 8th Music Celebration
May 9th- District Jazz Festival
May 13th - Spring Band Concert

A Quick Look Ahead to Next Year
I want to stay in band! What are my options? Awesome! You can audition for Symphonic or Jazz Band or you can sign up for  oncert Band (no audition required). 8th Grade, Make sure you sign up for band and even consider marching band! If you don’t want to stay, no hard feelings and we always have a place for you.

Why are there auditions? Symphonic and Jazz are the often  requested for performances, hold auditions, submits to CMEA and requires a more involved time commitment. We also try to balance our instrumentation, similar to a sports team and positions/depth chart.

What is the ideal instrumentation? Interested in the research? I have the books in my office! Symphonic: Flute 6, Clarinet 8, Bass Clarinet 1, Alto Sax 4, Tenor Sax 1, Bari Sax 1, Trumpet 8, Fr Hn 4, Tbn 5, Tuba 2, Perc. 6 Jazz: Alto Sax 2, Tenor Sax, 2, Bari Sax 1, Trombone 5, Trumpet 5, Bass 1, Drum Set 1, Piano 1, Guitar 1, Vocalist

What if I don’t want to audition or get in to Symphonic or Jazz?
Janitell Bands have a place for everybody. Please do not confuse Concert Band as lesser in quality or in opportunities but rather a part of developing as a musician. Instrumentation and scheduling can ultimately cause adjustments as needed which means we means we need good players everywhere.

When will auditions come out and what is it?
They will be available at the end of February and my  recommendations will be turned into to counselors before spring break. More information to come. My auditions usually consist of scales and triads in various keys.

Should I audition?
Of course! You never know when a spot will become available, if you have turned in an audition, I then know what you are and what
you need to do to improve!

Evening of the Arts
We look forward to our yearly fundraiser on April 25th!
Interested in helping? Sign up at this link or scan below!
Right now the biggest help would be helping me find local
businesses that will donate to our silent auction. Let me know
if you have anybody in mind!

February Newsletter 2025 (PDF)




  • Arts
  • Music